Monday, 27 November 2017


       I think Edpuzzle really helps teachers in the learning process. teachers can create interesting video questions. This can make students more interested to follow the learning process. Through Edpuzzle students can also create tasks assigned by teachers. This application is very easy and useful for teachers and students because with this application students are easier to understand and interested. 

I like Edpuzzle because it makes it easier for teachers to give exams or assignments to students, in addition to this application make the students are more interested in material taught teachers with different forms.

I do not like Edpuzzle because sometimes it requires internet connection instead of offline application. In addition, how to make a material using this application takes a lot of time.

 How to make Edpuzzle

1. Create an Account

          To create an EDpuzzle account, navigate to Click on the “Teacher Start Now” button. A new page will load with a brief introduction. Click on the “Start tour” button to begin a brief walkthrough of how to trim and add a question to a video. Follow along in the tutorial, clicking on the “Continue” button when finished with each page. On the last page, click on “Create my first lesson” to make an account. 

2. Make a Lesson

To annotate and add questions to a new video,  click on “Search” at the top of the screen.


Added via URL by typing or pasting it in the search bar.Uploaded from a computer file by clicking the “Upload” button. After selecting a video, click on it and select the “Use it” button.

Edit Video Content 

The video can now be edited. At any point during the editing process, progress can be saved by clicking on the green “Save” button. When navigating between editing options,  EDpuzzle will automatically save the lesson, however it is still a good idea to save often, especially if doing a lot of editing. To navigate between editing options, click on the icons at the top of the screen.


To access Crop options, click on the scissors icon at the top of the screen. The beginning and/or end can be trimmed off, if only a specific section of the video is to be
used. To crop the video, click and drag the red indicators at the bottom of the video.

Audio Track

Audio track is a recording that spans the entire length of the video. This is useful to add a new lecture or commentary to an already existing video. For an audio track, the recording must be the length of the video and will replace the original audio. If the recording is not the full video length it will not save. A warning will appear if attempting to navigate away from the page with an audio track that is not the full video length. 

Audio Notes

Then click on the microphone button below the video to begin recording. A pop-up may appear, asking to allow EDpuzzle access to the microphone; click on “Allow” to enable recording. An Audio Note pauses the video and plays the audio clip recorded, such as a verbal comment or note about a piece of the video.


The last editing option is Quizzes. A quiz marker will pause the video and prompt the viewer to answer a question or read a text comment. Adding a quiz can ensure that students are engaging with the video and paying attention to the content as it plays, rather than testing at the end. To add quizzes, click on the question mark icon at the top of the screen. Below the video, click in the video timeline to select a location for the question. Then click on the green question mark to add a question in that location.

3. Saving and Assigning a Lesson

When finished adding content to the video, click on the blue “Finish” button in the top-right corner of the screen. The first time creating a lesson, EDpuzzle will display prompts for creating a new class and sending the lesson to a class. 

Some recommended options include: Prevent Skipping: Under the Superpowers options, “Prevent Skipping” keeps viewers from freely skipping around the video. They can return to previously watched portions, but can’t When finished changing the options, click the “Send” button. move onto new portions, requiring them to view the entire video.

I think this application deserves to be used as a new tool for student learning process. Edpuzzle makes teachers easier at delivering material. Nowdays is the development of technology very rapidly, therefore learn can be done anywhere. This application is suitable to answer the needs of this era.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

How to make google form

  1.       Google form is free form google that we can use to create an online survey or questionnaire. Through google you can get form data quickly and efficiently. I think google forms is very helpful form students in particular, that can get the information with the media google this form. At the time of carrying out of research we need to get information quickly and easily. In addition google form can help teachers in making quiz. At times like this now are needed modern facilities to get information quickly. To that google has new innovation in this modern era in order to facilitate access to electronic data. One of them is Google Form or Form called google form is a useful tool to help you plan your event, send surveys, give students or others quizzes, or collect information in an easy way an efficient. The form can also be connected to a spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet associated with forms, automated response will be sent to a spreadsheet. If not, the user can see them in the "summary of Responses" page can be accessed from the menu responses. This is step by step to make google form : 

    Step 1: Set up a new form or quiz

    • Click Blank Add or Blank Quiz New quiz.
    • A new form or quiz will open.

Step 2: Edit and format a form or quiz

You can add, edit, or format text, images, or videos in a form.

  • Edit your form
  • Create a quiz with Google Forms
  • Choose where to save form responses

Step 3: Send your form for people to fill out

When you are ready, you can send your form to others and collect their responses.

     This is video tutorial how to make google form

2. I like the google form because we can input data quickly and efficiently. You can reduce the risk of errors due to writing filled by applicants and no processes input data manually by the author. On other hand, I dont like the google form because sometimes the internet connection into a constraint in create a google form. Bad connection can make the process of creating a google form be distracted because we need a stable connection and rapidly. This is inconvenient for people far from the reach of the internet and can not access the internet.

3. Google form  can also help teacher for learning process. It's media make a reserved online with a choice answers of course. The students can fill out the form, and we as can see the results into excel format. Furthermore,  we already know the answer to our students  through  to match the right key and provide value.

4. This is my google form :

Tuesday, 24 October 2017


1.  Google Slides  is an Internet presentation generating software that works similarly to Microsoft PowerPoint. I think that you can create presentation slides, or embed  any kind of media just like you would in any PowerPoint presentation. But Google Slides also does so much more. Not only can you work alone inside the presentation slides, you can work at the same time as other people. Google Slides allows more than one person to type in a presentation at once. In my opinion is when used google slide I fell easy to understanding about tools icon in google slides, then now let me show you how to make your google slides.

  • After this you can click blue button like in this picture below. Please log in with your email account or sign up to get started in google slides.
  • Click (+) to make new pages in google slides.

  • It will showed like this.
  • After this you have to choose the background of your presentation that what you want.
  • In google slides has many icon. It's make easier to make your presentation.

  • If you have done about your presentation you can share your google slides , look at this below. 

  • I think that I like to choose Google Slides for make my presentation because its more easy to understanding and  the icon or facilities in google slides are simply, so I can more faster do my presentation. Its suitable for beginner.
    2.    Prezi  is new tools to make your power point or presentation. I think that prezi more difficult to understanding because its has many icon which is has difference with google slides. When I used prezi I got confused to used it . Its need more time to learn how to make a presentation with prezi. I found new icon and more complete feature than google slides.  At Prezi, text, images, video, and other media presentations placed on canvas presentation, and can be grouped in a frame-the frame has been provided.
  • Here are steps to make presentation with prezi :

Please click or visit
  • If you don't have account prezy yet you can click blue button in above, then If you have account in prezy you just click log in.
  • After you log in, you already to make your prezy and choose your template that what you want. look at this below :

  • I got confused to make prezi because I just first time to try used prezi. Its more complicated than google slides. The icon or tools are different with google slides. If you used preziyou should prepared good internet to make it. Actually I don't like prezi, but I interest with the new feature in prezi.
  • Mohamad Luqman Syaifudin_20140810030 . This my prezi presentation.
  • I think google slides more easy used with users, because in google slides this menu not complicated, so users can more easy to recognize and understanding the icon or menu's on google slides. Again prezy more complicated and need more good Internet connection to make the presentation.
  • At the time  this is technology era. We should be wise in using medium or aplication during teach the students. In my opinion is prezy and google slides are very useful in supporting learning in the classroom. The students prefer to learn using media such as google and prezi slides, they feel more interested and not get bored while following the learning in the classroom.  I think prezy more interactive button but more difficult than google slides. Prezi and google slides has the same  functions to teach to make students more interested and learn something new besides used the book  , so it all depends on your needs and what material is being taught to students.

Friday, 25 December 2015


Words that have similar definitions are known as synonyms. We use synonyms constantly in speech and in writing. These are the words that can be used interchangeably, but the meaning of the message remains the same. For example, look at these two sentences:

The long baseball game lasted over four hours
The lengthy baseball game lasted over four hours.
Which word was changed in the second sentence? 'Lengthy' replaced the word 'long.' But did the meaning of the sentence change? No, it did not, because 'long' and 'lengthy' are synonyms; they have similar definitions. Synonyms can generally be used interchangeably without a change in meaning of the overall message.

Many synonyms are very useful because they can show different variations of the same understanding. To show this, let's look at the word 'good.' We all know the meaning of 'good.' It is one of the first understandings you come to as a child, and you learn quickly what it means to be a good kid. Generally speaking, 'good' can be defined as something correct or pleasant and enjoyable. There are numerous synonyms for good: okay, well, fine, great, excellent, magnificent and wonderful. All these words are describing a positive event or experience, but the variations can show a clearer understanding. For example, an 'okay day' is not as good as an 'excellent day.' But a 'wonderful day' is just about the same as a 'magnificent day.' The range of synonyms can give the audience or reader a better understanding of the speaker's exact intentions.

If You want to know  your knowledge about Synonym You can plays this game

Game Tetris

Ok this is a game about word and vocabulary
Please visit and download

To develop your knowledge

Carton to make you understand
Please download here :


A sentence is the largest independent unit of grammar: it begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. Adjective: sentential. The sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea and that includes a subject and a verb. See Definitions and Observations, below.Click here
For increase your knowledge you can visit :

Wednesday, 23 December 2015


Transportation is any device used to move an item from one location to another. Common forms of transportation include planes, trains, automobiles, and other two-wheel devices such as bikes or motorcycles. 2.The process of shipping or moving an item from point A to point B. Here is an exercise relating transportation Click here to download that file!

Please Does work click

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Indonesian Cultural Existence almost Disappears in its Own Home

Indonesia is a country that has various cultures. This culture diversity occurs because Indonesia country consists of hundreds of islands where each island has its own culture. However, currently Indonesian culture is in danger of being lost because eroded by the times. There are so many factor that make Indonesia’s culture is in danger. Those factors are from inside and outside. Through this paper, the authors will describe those factors that cause the endangerment of native Indonesian culture. Here are two paragraphs that discussing those factors:
The first is factor from inside. The decreasing of Indonesia’s culture existence in its own home is caused by its own people that ignore their culture especially for teenagers. They are lulled by modern life and started to forget the values which is inherited by their ancestors. For example, local languages, cultural ceremony, customs and Indonesian traditions have been lost in society. Now, we could see no one wants to use local language because they are embarrassed called plebeian. Besides the teenagers who do not care anymore with the culture, government also less responsive in dealing with this problem. There is no real attempt from government to sustain Indonesians culture.
The second is external factors. The Rapid flow of information which comes to Indonesia also effects the erosion of Indonesian culture. Many foreign cultures, especially Western cultures have come and grew in Indonesia. Those western cultures are incompatible with the Indonesians values as eastern nations. It also gives bad effect in Indonesian’s norm as eastern nation. Nowadays, we can see the fashions of clothing that does not conform to the norms, habits drunk, and poor lifestyle has grown in Indonesia.
In short, the reduction of Indonesian culture existence in his own country as a result of several factors. They are inside and outside factors. For maintaining the continuity of Indonesia’s Culture, let us keep our own culture. Especially we as young people do not feel embarrassed to preserve our culture and also stem western cultures which come into our country. If we have lost our original culture means we have lost our own national identity.

Vitamins For A Healthy Heart

As we all know, vitamins are very important when it comes to keeping your heart healthy.  You need to eat the right foods of course, although you also need to supplement the food you eat with the necessary vitamins your body needs to stay in shape and keep your heart working healthy for a long time to come.  If you don’t consume the right nutrients, you won’t be doing your heart any favors - and may end up having problems later on in life.

The first vitamin that comes to mind for most people is vitamin E, a vitamin that is essential to improving the overall health of your heart.  When taken correctly, vitamin E will stop the cholesterol in the body from harming the arteries that surround the heart.  Anytime cholesterol oxidizes, it sticks to the sides of the arteries and can lead to blockages which can cause heart attacks or other serious problems with the heart. 

To help you keep your heart healthy, most doctors recommend that you take additional supplements that contain vitamin E.  They may also suggest that you eat foods that are naturally rich in vitamin E, such as nuts.  Nuts have high amounts of vitamin E, and most of them taste great.  You can find other foods that contain vitamin E as well, although nuts have the highest amounts.

In the past, research has shown Vitamin E to help those who have already suffered the wrath of a heart attack.  This vitamin helps to prevent heart attacks in the future by opening up the arteries and eliminate blockage.  Those who have had a heart attack in the past are always encouraged to add more vitamin E to their diet.

What many aren’t aware of, is the fact that you can use vitamin C to boost the effects of vitamin E.  Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant, which prevents the damaging effects that cholesterol has on the body.  Along with preventing cholesterol from damaging the body, vitamin C also helps vitamin E with it’s functions - such as protecting your arteries and your heart.

By taking both vitamin C and E as a combination, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier heart.  Overall, this is the easiest way that you can be sure you aren’t damaging your heart, especially if you have had a heart attack in the past.  If you have a history of heart disease or heart problems in your family, these vitamins are essential to your diet.  Even if you are just concerned about the health of your heart, these vitamins will give you the peace of mind in knowing that you are eating for a healthy heart.

As far as your dosage goes, it will vary from person to person, although 400 international units of vitamin E and C are the recommended amounts for most people.  On it’s own, vitamin C can be tolerated in large doses, without imposing any harmful effects.  You can take around 500 mg of it twice a day, and ensure that your heart remains healthy.

To be on the safe side, you should always make sure that you get the proper amount of vitamins in your daily diet.  Taking additional vitamins and supplements isn’t a bad idea either, especially if you are trying to boost the health of your heart.  Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body, which is why you should always take care of it.  If you eat the proper diet and take the necessary vitamins - you’ll be well on your way to keeping your heart healthy.